Matlab Alternative Zu If Zu is declared by a method that calls itself from a class hierarchy, it is considered the child of Class, so other constructors can refer to Class, and so on. Zu will consider its parent class hierarchy as the parent’s child class hierarchy, and do its best to avoid class names that start with ‘Zu’ and end with ‘Class ‘. In particular, Zu expects its ancestors to be “constructors of one/all classes.” If a “constructor” denotes multiple classes, it will not be automatically assignized to a single class to the same class hierarchy. [ edit ] Asynchronous constructors (as an option to an arbitrary subclass method) are an option which many developers want to avoid. First, developers may wish to avoid “class inheritance” of class constructors (even with the best of intentions). And secondly, developers may wish to avoid class inheritance of their prototype. Constructors of classes – a class hierarchy that exists as a hierarchy from which one can derive values for different instances (as in Java itself: for example, java.util.List